Amminus Biga. Silver unit.


The Cantiaci (perhaps ‘land of the assembly men’), may have comprised four tribes occupying Kent (KE), centred on the Weald and rivers Stour, Medway and Darent. Diviciacos, king of the Suessiones, c.90-70 BC, may have held territory here. Caesar mentions four kings: Cingetorix, Carvilios, Taximagulos and Segovax, c.60-54 BC. Coins minted at the capital, Durovernum (Canterbury), Duno, Sego, and maybe Durobrivae (Rochester).


Amminus Biga. c.AD 30-40. Silver unit. 11mm. 0.89g. Blank, possibly defaced?/ Facing chariot, head of charioteer between, S[EG] below, beaded border. ABC 459, VA­–, BMC–, DK 103, S–. CCI 04.2304 (this coin). Poor/VF, clear biga. Ex Royal Berkshire collection, bt. Chris Rudd (2005). Found. Wingham, Kent, 2004. VERY RARE, only 27 others recorded.         Was £250. Now only £225





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