Ogmios and Boar. Anchor Nose Type. Silver stater.



The Coriosolites ‘army of the sun’ occupied Cotes d’Armor, north Brittany, giving their name to the capital, modern Corseul. Main seaport: Saint-Malo at the mouth of the river Arguenon (Aregenon ‘before the mouth’).


Ogmios and Boar. Anchor Nose Type. c.57-56 BC. Silver stater. 19-23mm. 6.47g. Head of Armorican sun-god facing right, with rolls of hair, round eye and phallic anchor-nose./ Horse facing right, small boar right below. ABC 70, LT 6614, Rybot 75/77, Hooker 72/74,  S 16. Good VF, silvery silver, prominent anchor-nose, full boar.                                                    Was £550. Now only £475

This coin was probably minted to fund the Armorican fight against Julius Caesar. Rybot’s book War Coins of the Sun Warriors (Chris Rudd 2018) makes this fascinating, great-value series of staters easy to identify only £15 + p&p from Chris Rudd.

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